Ever feel like life is passing you by and you’re not really living it? I think a lot of us want to slow down, and even plan to, but never do.
We’re constantly looking for answers and often worry that we’re not where we should be in life, so we end up spending our time focused on the destination and miss out on the journey.
The idea that there is this one single purpose in life that we need to fulfill, is limiting and makes us go through life in search for this one thing.
In doing this, we forget to enjoy what really matters along the way.
It’s important to understand that it’s ok to not have all the answers right now. Valuing family, nature and our passions, should be our main focus.
A few months ago, obsessed with the idea of how to live a happier life, I decided to take a course on the Science of Happiness and Wellbeing.
After completing the course, I realized that what it basically boils down to is learning to savor the moment.

Think about it, who wouldn’t want to savor every single moment that brings them joy? Sounds simple and intuitive, but it can actually be a real mental challenge.
You have to choose to embrace these moments and allow the happy feelings to set in.
One of the things that really helped me with this challenge was an exercise that was assigned in the course. We were asked to take a picture of the activity we chose to savor. I chose my morning green tea.

I look at this picture often and it reminds me of how good it felt to mindfully sip and taste my tea, enjoying the calming, cozy, relaxing feeling it gave me to live in the moment and not rush through it as I usually would.
It motivated me to start practicing the act of savoring in other areas as well.
To savor the moment, you must focus on the journey, and not so much on the destination.
Why Is It Important To Savor The Joyful Moments In Life?
Sometimes an unexpected event can make you look at your life in a completely different way. For me, it was a health scare that made me really begin to savor life’s happy moments.
I was lucky to be alive, and this changed everything.
Up until then, I wasn’t taking the time to enjoy the little things in life and was just existing, not living. This set back made me stop and pay attention to what was in front of me.
I began to savor mornings, taking deep breaths, delicious food, and most of all, my time with those I love.

I stopped worrying about things I couldn’t control and started questioning myself on what was really important to me.
Taking the time to enjoy life’s everyday pleasures can change how you see things, which can lead to a fuller, more joyful life.
Think about how different life would be if you paid more attention to the details. How much are you missing out on? Savoring makes us remember the good things in life.
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Here Are A Few Ways To Savor The Moment For A Fuller Life
1. Engage All Your Senses
In order to fully savor something, it’s necessary to engage as many of your senses as possible. Really taste your food, and the flavor of your tea (or coffee) in your mouth.

Pay closer attention to the sounds of nature or your favorite music. Give long embraces to loved ones and enjoy the feel of your cuddly pets.
Travel and see as much as you can; art museums, a Broadway show, sports events, etc. Enjoy the smell of your favorite perfume or your morning coffee brew. This can often evoke memories and bring back happy moments.
2. Focus On What’s Going Right
Take a moment to acknowledge your accomplishments; the things that are going right in your life. We all have areas in our lives that call for improvement and more often than not, this is what we focus on.
Try focusing on the things that are working for you at the moment. Let go of needing to understand everything and know that you’re doing the best that you can.
3. Do The Things You Love

We certainly can’t go through life without doing the things that bring us joy. Since life can often get in the way, be sure to actively schedule time for these activities.
Take yourself on a date, have a picnic or spend time with family. If you’re a foodie, try a different food once a month.
4. Practice Mindfulness
Though it may seem tough, learning to slow down and be in the present, decreases stress for a better quality of life.
The idea of slow living goes hand in hand with savoring the moment. They both involve taking the time to stop and enjoy the small things.
For the longest time I would eat standing up, as though it were just another task I needed to complete. Food is one of life’s wonderful pleasures and should be savored.

No more rushing through dinners, to move onto the next task. I now enjoy the experience. I sit down, take my time and savor each meal.
5. Express Gratitude
To keep me focused on what I have and not what I’m missing, I write in a gratitude journal a few times a week.
Taking five minutes in the morning to express what you’re grateful for is a wonderful reminder of how lucky you are.
This has been a real game changer for me. Every couple of weeks, I go back to read my entries and sit with the positive feelings they give me.
6. Relish In Restful Sleep
In the evenings, light a candle and do some light stretching with calming music. This is a great way to prepare your body for a restful night’s sleep.

Enjoy the whole process….really take it all in. If you have trouble sleeping, try having a bit of chamomile tea to help you drift off to a luxurious sleep. Just remember to turn off the candle before bed!
7. Appreciate Memories and Future Pleasures
Savoring can also pertain to past experiences and future ones. For example, you can savor the idea of an upcoming trip or event.
When I’m about to travel, I try on all the outfits I plan to bring with me, this keeps me in the moment and excited for the adventure to come!
Be sure to savor memories as well; those happy moments and experiences that still bring a smile to your face today.
How Do You Savor Life’s Joyful Moments?
I hope this post has helped you realize how powerful the act of savoring the moment can be, and how it can contribute to your happiness, thus leading to a fuller life!
What are some ways you savor life’s happy moments, let me know with a comment!