You might think a person with a positive mindset is avoiding the hard truths of life, but always seeing the glass half full doesn’t mean you’re ignoring reality.
Rather, the focus is now on celebrating the good, and learning how to cope with the negative things in life.
Not to mention, positivity and belief in oneself is also really attractive. Remember that kid in high school who wasn’t all that but thought she was? She had the whole positive mindset thing down.
I recently experienced a serious medical condition and managed to remain positive. There was nothing else I could do, I realized my mindset was the only thing I could control.
Having a positive mindset led to better sleep, a new morning workout routine, an excellent diet and the decision to finally start a blog about the things I care about most.
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What are the Benefits of Having a Positive Mindset?
Increased Energy
Negativity is exhausting and can suck the life out of you. Your energy levels decrease because of the dim outlook you may have on life or any given situation. Things seem heavy, which can be draining and cause anxiety.
With a positive mindset, there is so much to look forward to and work towards. Your energy levels are high when you’re hopeful of your abilities to make things happen.
You’ll start to look forward to trying out new healthy habits which will completely transform your life. I’m so adamant about it, because I personally know the effects it has had on my life.
With this extra energy, you’ll be able to start your days earlier, which means more time for a healthy breakfast; extra fuel for the day.
When we think in positive terms, we are better able to deal with negative situations and shake things off easier.
We also tend to move on quicker without taking anything too personal, ultimately understanding that seeing things through a negative lens won’t help.
What I find does help, however, is having the perception that things will work themselves out. And that if they don’t…well at least I can bounce back from it and move forward!
Inspiration to Others
Having a positive mindset can lift up those around you and help them see the world in a more positive light.
Ask yourself this… How good would it feel to know that someone else was able to turn a negative situation into a positive one because of you? Rubbing your positivity off on others can be extremely rewarding.
I once got a message from a yogi tea bag that said… travel light, spread the light, be the light. I thought it was genius. The feeling you get from having a positive mindset is something you want everyone to feel.
Confidence in Children
I cannot emphasize enough the importance of encouraging a positive mindset in children.
Between bullying, the effects of remote learning and plenty of other challenges children are faced with, ensuring they are equipped with the right coping tools is crucial.
A positive mindset can turn kids into problem solvers who look for ways to change or help an outcome, instead of focusing on the problem.
This is something they can carry into adulthood, making them confident individuals who can resolve issues and learn from them.
Improvement in Productivity
We all want to be more productive. Think about it, there are so many morning routines, healthy habits, productivity hacks, etc. ….but these can all be difficult to achieve with a negative mindset.
They can all feel unreachable, too much, too hard, along with a negative view on whether or not you’ll be able to follow through with them.
With a positive mindset, you can change your thinking pattern and actually get things done. Visualize what you want out of life…fitness, starting your own business, stronger relationships, etc. You can achieve them all and literally change your life.
Better Mental Health
A positive mindset is associated with better moods and outlooks on life, which can reduce our stress levels and improve mental health.
I see it as a form of prevention. Being positive strengthens our mental health, making it less likely to fall into depression or other mental disorders.
How Do I form a Positive Mindset?
First and foremost, being grateful for what we already have is key for a positive mindset. I make it a habit to be mindful of the things and people I am thankful for everyday.
My nephew has been implementing this with a gratitude jar. Writing down what he is grateful for and then going back to read them, has helped him form a more positive outlook.
I highly recommend this activity for both children and adults, it’s a fun way to keep positive thoughts present!
Surround Yourself With Positive Thinkers
Developing a positive mindset will not happen overnight, new habits take time to really set in.
One of the best ways to make the transition easier is to surround yourself with other positive thinkers and put yourself in positive situations.
For example, if you have that one friend who is constantly down on themselves, try to refrain from spending too much time with them until you have solidified your positive mindset.
This will make it easier to cope with negativity from others and will strengthen your ability to help those with a negative mindset. You’ll be better able to brush things off, and share the bright side with them.
Keep in mind that constantly being around negative thinkers will slow down the process by draining your energy.
Avoid Social Comparison
This one can be a killer.. Seeing people’s posts on social media and what seems to be a great life (though who really knows what anyone’s going through?), can put more emphasis on your life not being the way you’d like it to be at the moment.
Trying to catch up with others instead of focusing on your own growth, will make achieving a positive mindset difficult.
You may start to lose track of what’s important and let negative thoughts creep into your mind…we don’t want that!
Zero in on your life goals and things will seem clearer, paving the way for your accomplishments.
Obtain a Healthy Work-Life Balance
For most of us, work is a big part of our lives and we may even spend more time at work than we do at home.
Work demands can make it challenging to have a personal life. It’s crucial to remember that we need to make time for joy in our lives in order to be balanced.
Try breaking up the work routine by meeting with friends once a week, after work or on the weekend.
Time management can be a great tool for balancing your work and personal life. Make sure to plan your vacation time, enjoy your family, and make time for fun!
Keep Positive Things Visible
If there is something that makes you feel good about life or just brings a smile to your face when you see it, keep it near and visible.
Anything that revives a happy memory… A picture of a family trip, a gift from a loved one, an award for one of your accomplishments; these can all nourish a positive mindset.
What are Some Positive Mindset Activities?
Mindful Meditation
Ok, once you’ve mastered this one, the sky’s the limit! I know meditation isn’t the easiest, but trust me, take 10 minutes in the morning, light a candle, and listen to a guided mindful meditation.
I’ve been doing this every morning and the repetition of positive phrases stays with me, proving to be an excellent way to maintain a positive mindset.
Youtube has a plethora of positive mindful meditation videos you can start with.
Giving back can give you a sense of purpose and boost your self confidence. Knowing you made a difference no matter how small, is bound to have a positive effect on you.
If you’re a pet lover, you can volunteer to help animals. Other examples can be serving seniors in your community, volunteering as a mentor at a school, or helping out with food drives for the homeless.
Accomplishments Journal
I used to only make to-do lists and never focused on what I’d already done. These are things to be proud of, and should always be present in your mind.
Write down all of the things you have accomplished for the day, the week, the year, the past 5 years… these positive experiences remind you of what you’re capable of.
Having a journal specifically for your accomplishments helps you track your progress and will inspire this new positive mindset that will alter your life.
Exercise can seem like an obvious one. There’s no doubt that looking good and feeling good have a positive effect on us as humans.
But the real reward is showing up for yourself. Taking 20 to 30 minutes a day to focus on your body and health, nurtures the mind as well.
Always Have Something to Look Forward To
You know that exciting feeling you get when the trip you planned is getting closer? Having something to look forward to puts your mind in a happy place.
It doesn’t have to be a trip to Europe, it can simply be a relaxing day of self-care or a cozy movie night.
However big or small, having a light at the end of the tunnel can keep your mind in a positive state.
Positivity Games
A positive mindset can take some time to master, so why not make it fun? Get creative and come up with some cool positivity games.
Get some friends together and have everyone voice the positive things that happened to them that day. The person that is able to see positivity even in a bad situation, wins the game!
Final Words
So what’s the bottom line? All the things we want in life become more attainable to us when we start out with a positive mindset.
There’s this sense of greater determination, a feeling of.. “nothing can stop me or get in my way, things WILL work out for me”,. How can you not succeed with this attitude?
I wrote this article while wracking my brain about a new medical condition I was faced with. Keeping a positive mindset (and taking deep breaths) are what keep me moving forward.
Try a one week positivity challenge with me! For one full week, do your best to think positively in every situation. No matter what happens, try to see the positive side and what you may have learned from it.
Please leave your comments below to let me know how you did!